
Our expertise

Northern Rockies Air Charter has been flying paddlers for over 30 years, mostly to the Nahanni National Park Reserve but also to the headwaters of rivers in Yukon and BC.

Both our DHC-2 Beaver and Cessna Caravan are approved to carry external loads. We can accommodate groups of up to 7 people and a maximum of 2 canoes at a time. Some restrictions apply, please contact us for more information.

last acquisition: a Canoe trailer!

We realize the logistics can be a challenge, especially when it comes to head back to the float base at the end of your canoe trip. Listening to the needs of our paddling clientele, we are proud to announce that Northern Rockies Air now owns a 4 place canoe trailer!

We hope this will make for a very practical and competitive option to drive you back to base with your canoes.

Note: This investment has been partially funded by the Yukon Government through the Community Tourism Destination Development Fund.

2 planes = more options

With our DHC-2 Beaver, the Canadian STOL bush plane by excellence, and its extended cabin, we can carry 1200 lbs of payload to the most remote places.

For bigger groups, where 2 Beavers trips were often necessary, we can now swap for the Caravan and fly people + gear in a single trip. Besides the time savings, the Cessna Caravan will help you save money: 1 Caravan trip is 25% cheaper than 2 Beaver trips!

Having these 2 floatplanes in our fleet allows for more availability. If one suddenly goes out of service, we can still come and pick you up.

Take off from Moose Ponds with Beaver